Monday, February 24, 2014


I got to the meeting point about 10 minutes early. I had hoped for more time to survey the situation and the area; I needed the time to orient myself to both the tunnel and and the people that were there. Knowing what was normal for any area was paramount. As I stood there it sank in that too much time would have been suspicious and would have brought attention. 10 minutes should be just enough. He and I ran this once before, back in Bosnia. Only then he was sizing me up and watching me. Now, we were meeting so he could pass me some information.

When the shadow came down the stairs and I could see that damn stupid bowler hat I had to bite my cheek to keep myself from smiling. He walked with a limp now, time and circumstances had not been kind to him, as I was certain they would not be kind to me if I was to stay in this game as long as he. Without so much as a nod or any acknowledgment of me he strolled over and placed his case down just next to mine. It was darker where we stood. I stooped down and picked up his case and walked away.

What I wouldn't have given at that very moment to be at the Huntsman's Club where we first met. Back where we could share drinks, and laugh over local figures, discuss trade craft, and glean gems of wisdom from my elder. Not at this time, though. Now, I had to get this case out of Kosice and to the US Embassy in Bratislav, Slovakia before anyone knew its contents were missing.

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