Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Overcoming the Difficulty of Change

Social Media is a time suck. It’s a Soap Opera that you are “involved” with. As opposed to living vicariously through TV characters, you are living vicariously through online “activities” that have no real impact or meaningful result.

This is vicarious living. Vicarious finds its root in Latin meaning substitute, getting something secondhand. What you are looking for is “thrill” without the risk. I must tell you that “thrill” without “risk” gains you nothing. It is all time and energy wasted, taken away from your goals.

It has become a national pastime. Just take a look at the number of “social” platforms that have and continue to be popular.

How many means of vicarious living do we have? Texts. Emails. YouTube. Face page applications. Twitter. News bites not news. These are ways in which we all live through other people or events without risking anything. Nothing. So, what do you do?

First, take a good, long, hard look at yourself in the mirror. Now, be honest with yourself. Brutally honest. Accept that you are wasting time and energy on uselessness. Next, you need to make a solid plan. This plan begins with tracking everything you do during your work day. Absolutely everything and how long you are at each thing.

Second, remember. Remember why you are now doing what you are doing. Why did you decide to start your own business? Why did you request to work remotely? What is it you are trying to build?

Third, take out and study your business plan. Read all of those “mission statements” you have spent hours writing. Do you have family? Take out their pictures.

These things should hit you. I don’t know where you feel it, but you should very well feel something. Maybe it’s in the pit of your stomach. Maybe your heart flutters. You get chills. Whatever it is, you know it. This is your support package.

There is your motivation. This is the “why” behind what you are trying to do. Let go of the motivation porn and use your “why” to help drive you move forward.

Moving forward will not always feel good. It will not feel like the vicarious life you have been hiding behind. At these moments of doubt, and it is doubt, you have to focus on your support package. Find the strength to focus.

Now, remember your goal. This goal is, the end game, is your target. As in driving, most obviously on a motorcycle (no vicarious thrill in that, it’s all tactile and first hand), your business will go there. You are in the driver’s seat and your business is the vehicle. There is no doubt about it.

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