Friday, August 25, 2017


Amphritite, wife to Poseidon, like the sea
Very warmly She will embrace you
Very much like the curves and lines of her body,
Very much her eyes reflect the sky
Very much, she is like the sea

She gets inside and finds your heart
Every little chink and crack is forced apart
The waves crash without ceasing, without mercy
The warmth is gone and the harbor is cold
Without warning, the moment is gone, the storm has come

Enraptured, you are, like a school boy
Sustaining you with love and life
Heaving with you and rising with pleasure and joy
At one moment she is warm, welcoming rolling
She is just as temperamental and quick to change as the seas

He thinks that he has won
In vain attempts to tame, to control, to prevail
In vessels of wood or steel he sets sail
It is arrogance of any to think that she
can be conquered in any sense of the word

Mysteries to entwine and confound a man
Paradoxes which men will never solve
nor see nor even hope to understand
Beneath her breast beats an enigmatic heart
Her eyes reflect the breadth of the skies and depth of oceans

Powerful, unstoppable and unrelenting
She moves, swells, rhythmically, alluringly, seductively
There is always so much more to her than man
will ever know or see
This woman is very much like the sea