Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Villanelle

The Villanelle has a very specific format. One which lends itself to a darker poem, one that is almost Gothic. While the below piece is not within the standards of such a piece, it is a good start. It will be revised in the future as I practice and learn more about this format.

I stand alone

I await the charges to be read
These charges are mine alone

I stand alone

As I stand and wait my sou
l is dead
To stand and wait as the ghosts of those
who bled
Devour my heart,
My mind,
My soul

Until such time the bells for me toll
I stand
I stand alone

'Til my body rejoins
My heart,
My mind,
My soul

(C) Copyright Marcel Trepanier 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bihac FOB

Mark was sitting on the back porch of the small building that housed the office and living spaces for the intelligence team for the Kladusa and Bihac areas. Bihac, it was pronounced BEE-atch and, yes, almost every US Troop wanted to work in BEEatch. Mark had not been happy about being taken from Prijedor and Banja Luka. He was not happy about being up in the Bihac Pocket. He also wanted to run his own team. Sure, he was a Second Class Petty Officer, a junior NCO for the Navy. He also looked at his leadership training and experience from when he was in the Army. Hell, an E-5 in the Army was an NCO and had the respect and responsibilities of an NCO. In the Navy, he was considered a junior NCO and not affprded the same respect or authority. It also had other amenities that spoke of it being a newer construct. Josie stepped out onto the porch area. She was wearing some light cotton shorts and a loose t-shirt. On second glance Mark noted that she was wearing one of his t-shirts. That made him smile.
Josie was not smiling. She had too many things on her mind. Their relationship was the topmost. After the fight last weekend Mark kept his head down around the office, so to speak. She was glad to see that he wanted to avoid staff officers here until things had quieted down.
While the sex was great, Josie felt that it was becoming too much for both of them. Although she wouldn't admit it, even to herself, it was becoming too much for her, too. Their relationship was becoming too close for either of them to handle and do their jobs properly. Bosnia was still a hostile fire zone and still dangerous. There were armed patrols out regularly, but, for the intelligence collectors, it was different. They were largely on their own. Two operators, an interpreter, and some emergency supplies in their vehicle. They only had their personal weapons. For most teams this was two 9mm pistols.The distraction factor that was developing between Mark and Josie concerned her. Mark, too, was mulling these same things over.
Mark stood up and stepped to the railing. Buster, the house mutt, raised his head to watch Mark then put his head back down. Josie put her feet up on the railing. They were quiet for most of the evening, saying almost nothing to each other.
Even though he did not want to have this conversation he felt better about opening it up than haveing it opened on him.“I don't know why I let my feelings take control. It's like something else comes crawling up out of me.”
Josie took her time in responding. She was thinking back to her observations of Mark as a field operator. He often stepped up to take charge, was protective of the team, and looked after thiings as a good Sargeant would. Sometimes, too many times, he got overly protective of what and who he was calling 'his team'. “I know, Mark,” she paused for a few seconds. This was a quality that was both good and bad for anyone, not just an NCO. It concerned her now for the obvious reason of one fight.
Josie gets up from her chair and moves behind Mark. She quietly considers his body, looking him up and down. She knew every inch of the back of this man. He was powerful. The shoulders and back were broad and thick. She had watched him lifting when they were in Sarajevo together. Now, as then, she marveled at this man. Josie reached out as if to touch him, but stopped short.
You have got to keep yourself under control. Not just at parties, but also in the field.” She wanted to see him get into a leadership role in the field, but that was never going to happen if they stayed together and if he lost his temper again. “Your time in the Ary and B-NOC make you uniquely qualified as a leader her and in the Navy.” B-NOC was how it was pronounced, what it was was an Army training acadaemy for noncommissioned officers, NCOs. The Navy had some leadership courses, but those were more administrative duties than fundamentals of actually leading younger enlisted. “That leadership will never happen if you get into another fight. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself.”
Mark lowered his head and stared at the ground. Being protective, jealously so, of someone who he was not supposed to be involved with was something that he would have to avoid at all costs if this was to carry on at all. But, he did not know how to do that. “I suppose that's why they call it 'making love,' the feelings come once the sex is happening.” He sighed heavily, still looking towards the ground. “I simply want to enjoy the time we have and what we can share.”
Josie lowered her hand onto the small of his back. “Me. too, but we have to be very careful.” No, she had to make some distance happen. She was feeling the same things. She was enjoying his body as well as his tenderness. Yes, she was admitting to herself that he was becoming more and more distracting. Josie squeezed Mark in a gentle one armed hug and turned away. Walking through the kitchen her bare feet made no sound. The kitchen floor creeked. That little creek let Mark know precisely where Josie was.
Josie, I know that you are risking as much as I am with 'us', and, yeah, I do have a possessive streak.” He was thinking also about taking command of a collection team himself. He had heard the banter and discussions going on in Captain Lathrop's office. One benefit of these trailer offices was that sound traveled decently. “I also know that there is talk about putting me into The Cray Norseman's slot.” The only response was another squeak from the kitchen floor. Mark knew Josie had left the kitchen.

(C) Copyright Marcel Trepanier 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Writing Exercise

The other day I had started with a writing exercise. The scene script/outline was posted. Tonight, I offer up the first of the two book scenes that the script described, even if inadequately.

The company area housed the offices, the common area, and the unit's bar area. It wasn't a beautiful set up, but it worked. It was a useable area and considered a secure area. That meant that, in order to get past the front door, one had to have either a clearance or an escort. Yes, the crew had standing orders to shoot unauthorized personnel. Friday and Saturday nights, though, the entire set up became party central for the Intelligence Unit.

Mark stood back and enjoyed a drink and a smoke while listening to the music, conversations, and the laughter. Tonight was no different. Someone had even invited some British cooks in for the fun. Some of the French troops were rotating out and needed to make points with the kitchen staff. The French were planning a big spread for their going away party. Things were pretty much on par for a Friday night.

One of the British cooks, Scott Coates, was tossing darts at the board near the bar. Everybody had noticed that Scott still smelled a bit like the kitchen after a long day. The cooks were generally fitting in and having fun. It was obvious that the three were feeling more than a bit cocky. Why shouldn't they? They had been invited to party in a classified area. An area that has also earned a reputation for wild parties. The Commandant of the base had shut them down for 30 days after one party went on till nearly daylight when all taps are to be shut off at midnight. Tonight, everyone was happily drunk.
Mark had stepped back out into the Common Area for a cigarette. Shorts, who had been working with Mark saw that he was agitated. Shorts and Mark had worked together for a few weeks until the Captain had switched up the teams. Mark had been a bit off since he had been partnered up. Shorts figured that Mark was learning the new turf. Maybe Mark was figuring out some new angles. That would be how Mark worked.
Shorts came up to Mark and bummed a cigarette for himself. “Mark, don't look so tense, man.” Mark just answered with a grunt. “Are you going over things in your head about last week? Or is it this week's coming meetings?”
Mark considered the question quietly. There was no way he could tell anyone that, since being teamed up with Josie, an Army Captian, they had been having sex. Military laws held a high penalty for all parties participating in fraterniizing. Just the other morning, before going to their first meeting he stopped Leslie when she was on her way out to get a shower. Her body was warm and soft against his. Now, Scott was getting a little handy with Josie. She was laughing. It wasn't really laughter, it was more Josie being polite and fake laughing. To anyone sober and objective that distinction would have been obvious, but Mark was neither of those at the moment.
Mark exhaled heavily, “Yeah, the week's meetings, something like that.”
Alright, look, this is a party. You are going to at least smile. I order you to smile and enjoy things tomight.” Mark smiled a little, in spite of himself. That was not to last long.
Scott laughed loudly at something he had said. The booming laughter caught Mark's attention. Josie was standing near Scott, “Wow! You Brits really are fun guys!”
Scott stepped toward Josie and threw his arms out to grab Josie. “Right! Come 'ere and give us a hug!” Scott grabs her in his large, fat arms and pulls her to his side. Josie tries to stay at his side and give him a half hug. Smelling his sweat and beer breath, Josie tried to pull back as quickly as she could manage when Scott said, “Give us a kiss now, eh?
Mark was about to step in and throw some punches when the front door to the building slammed shut. Butters, a Marine Hand to Hand Combat instructor, came in. Butter's had that look again, he wanted to fight. Butters had even started the unit's own little Fight Club.
I need to roll! Who do we have here tonight?” the people who were milling about in the Common Area were smoking and enjoying drinks. Not one of them was felling the urge to fight, except for Mark.
Having heard that there were also fights that happened from time to time the Brits looked up. Scott's attention was immediately drawn away from Josie by the door slamming and the call for a fight.
'How about you officiating a fight?” As he asked the question Mark smiled a sick smile. Shorts looked at the smile and the look in Mark's eyes, “That is disturbing. Mark, I order you to NOT smile again.”
Butters nodded slightly, “Who do you want to call out, Mark?” Butters had no idea what was going to happen.
I'm callind out one of our guests. Scott, you wanna play?”
Having been in his share of drunken fights Scott was not about to turn this one down. He turned a bit and took a fighting stance. Josie had pulled away from Scott and was digesting what was just said. Scott accepted the challenge witha grim smile, “Right, I've heard about yer l'il fight club. Sure, i'll play.”
As usual, Butters started going over the rules. “No punches, this is only grappling. Choke and joint locks only ... “ But, he did not get to finish the rules, Mark and Scott each stepped towards eacn other.
Oy, no punches? Shit, that ain't no fun. We 're gonna throw a few, eh?” It was more of a comment than a question. Mark smiled and nodded slightly.
Scott moved slow and threw a sloppy schoolyard haymaker that was easily ducked. Mark stepped in and stood up with a left uppercut that did not d much more than grab Scott's attention. He lowered his hands a little to protect himself from another body blow. Mark followed the first punch with a hard and fast right hook that went over Scott's arm. The hook caught Scott at the back of the jaw bone and stunned him. Mark sotated slightly and swung his left fist as hard as he could with another hook. When the punch landed Scott went down, he dropped hard onto the floor. He was knocked out .
Evevryone was shocked. Their fights were clean, good training, and for the ego. No one ever took it personally. Well, not for long. No one ever got knocked out or injurred. Butters was pissed. He leapt at Mark. “Shit, God-Damn, Mark! You know the rules! What the hell were you thinking?” The Marine did not come out very often, but it did then. He stood toe to toe with Mark shouting straight into Mark's face.
Mark considered Scott, who was being helped up by his friends. The noise brought everyone out of the bar to see what was going on. Neither Butters nor Mark wanted to see the fight club end.
Sorry, Butters. You saw it, Scott threw first.” Mark looked over at the other two British cooks. “You gents need a hand with your friend?”
One of the two answered, “No, thanks, mate. We got 'im” They helped Scott regain some level of consciousness. It was enough for him to get out the front door and on his way.
While the Brits were leaving Mark stepped into the bar. He was shaking with the thrill of that little scuffle. He grabbed two neers from the fridge and downed the first one quickly. He opened his other drink as Butters and Josie came up.
Butters was still angry. More so, he was worried about his friend, “I think you might have had enough to drink.” Mark stood there with his beer. “You KNOW the rules of our club, what the fuck was that?”
He swung first, you saw it.” Mark dodged the question. He did know the rules. For nothing other than jealousy Mark had knocked a guy out cold and he knew it. Mark would never admit it, but he had been jealous.
Most evevryone in the unit participated in the fighting. It was great exercise, good fun, and an extremely great way to relieve stress. Also, Butters had to give his word that no ont was going to get hurt doing these fights. The Captain and he had written the rules and made their understanding clear prior to the fights starting. Something like this could easily land Butters' ass in front of the Captain. “Damnit! If the Captain catches wind of this your ass is done Mine, too.”
Josie stepped between Butters and Mark. 'Mark, I really think that you need to put that beer down and go back to your room.” Placing both hands on Mark's drink and hand she gently, but strongly pulled at the beer. Mark allowed her to take the beer.
Mark responded flatly, “Sure, right. Whatever.” Mark stepped around his two friends and ledt by the back door. He knew it was wrong to knocj Scott out. He knew that he was drunk. He also knew he wanted another drink and maybe even another fight. Halfway to his quarters, though, Mark was feeling the adrenaline from the fight draining his energy. That and the beers were making him very tired. Mark accepted that sleep was what he needed.
Josie watched Mark leave. She watched him go avross the gravel parking lot and head towards the enlisted quarters. She wanted to follow him, to see that he got to his room without any trouble. She was also worried that, if she did, their physical relationship might get them both into trouble. She hoped that he would come back in the late morning with nothing to say about this might's events.

(C) Copyright Marc Trepanier

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Two Scenes

This exercise calls for writing a Script Outline first, then writing a Novel entry. According to the Dean of Professional Writing at Towson University tells me that this is the reverse of what is normally done. The book comes first then the script.

Since I am not in the Writing Program at Towson, I am going by the book Fun To Write Fiction by Donna Monday. Here is my Script Outline, the Novel entry will come soon:

Mark is standing in the common area and the only authorized indoor smoking area for the offices. The entire set of offices and common area were considered a Secure Area. No one got in without a clearance or a direct invite. No work was discussed in the common area. Mark was watching Josie playfully interact with the others from the team as well as a few Brits who were invited in.
Shorts: Mark, don't look so tense. Are you going over things in your head about last week? Or is it this week's coming meetings?
Mark: Yeah, something like that
Mark lied to his friend. He was tense because he was jealous. He was feeling violated, and a little violent, by the fat Brittish cook hugging Josie.Due to the military laws against fraternizing the charges they were facing for having a sexual relationship were staggering. The conversation she had been having was indistinct and slurred by drink.
Josise: Yes, you Brits are fun guys!
Scott Coates: Right! Come 'ere and give us a hug
Josie steps in slightly and Scott grabs her in his large, fat arms and pulls her to his side. Josie tries to stay at his side and give him a half hug.
Smelling his sweat and beer breath, Josie tries to pull back as quickly as she can manage without causing insult.
Scott: Give us a kiss now, eh?
Mark was about to start a fight over this when Butters came in. Butters, a Marine Hand to Hand Combat instructor, started the unit's own little Fight Club.
Butters: I need to roll! Who do we have here tonight?
Mark: How about you officiating a fight?
Butters: Who do you want to call out, Mark?
Mark: Scott
Josie had already pulled away from Scott and was digesting what was just said.
Scott: Right, I've heard about yer l'il fight club. Sure, i'll play.
Butters: No punches, this is only grappling. Choke and joint locks only
Mark and Scott stepped towards each other
Scott: Shit, that ain't no fun. We 're gonna throw a few, eh?
Scott moved slow and threw a sloppy schoolyard haymaker that was easily ducked. Mark came in with a left uppercut followed by a hard and fast right hook. The hook caught Scott at the back of the jaw bone, he dropped hard.
Butters: Shit, God-Damn, Mark! You know the rules!
Mark: Sorry, Butters.
Mark looks over at the other two British cooks.
Mark: You gents need a hand with your friend?
Brit One: No, thanks, mate. We got 'im
Mark downed another beer quickly. He grabbed another drink when Butters and Josie came up.
Butters: Mark, I think you've had enough to drink. You KNOW the rules of our club, what the fuck was that?!
Mark: He swung first, you saw it.
Butters: Damnit! If the Captain catches wind of this your ass is done!
Josie: Mark, I really think that you need to put that beer down and go back to your room.
Josie placed both hands on Mark's drink and hand. She gently, but strongly pulled at the beer. Mark allowed her to take the beer.
Mark: Yeah, right. Whatever.
Mark leaves by the back door of the area.

Mark stands up and steps to the railing. His empty beer bottle was left on the small table between the two old rocking chairs. Buster raises his head to watch Mark then puts his head back down. Josie leaves her feet up on the railing.
Mark: I don't know why I let my feelings take control. It's like something else comes crawling up out of me.
Josie: I know. (Pause)
Josie gets up and moves behind Mark. She quietly considers his body, looking him up and down.
Josie: You have got to keep yourself under control. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself.
Mark lowers his head and stares at the ground. Being protective, jealously so, of someone who he was not supposed to be involved with was something that he would have to avoid at all costs if this was to carry on at all.
Mark: Yeah ... (sigh) ... I want to simply enjoy the time we can share
Josie: As do I, but we have to be very careful
She raises her hand to place it on Mark's back, but stops. She turns and walks back inside. Her bare feet made no sound.
Mark: I know that you are risking as much as I am with 'us'. Yeah, I do have a possessive streak.
The only response was that one part of the kitchen floor that squeaked. Mark knew she had gone inside.

(C) Copyright Marc Trepanier

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Writing Progression

Hello. I have dabbled with creative writing on and off for years. I have also written professionally for the military and the government for several years. Here I am going to practice creative writing and do some writing exercises. I hope that my writings bring you pleasure along the way.

(C) Copyright Marcel Trepanier 2013